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It is national Tea Day today, so what better excuse to visit one of our favourite clients, to sample their amazing loose leaf teas.

You can order online also.


What is National Tea Day?

  • A celebration of Britain’s national drink, in all its flavours and guises which helps so many through their working day 
  • Recognition that 70 years after George Orwell’s essay ‘A nice cup of tea’ everyone has a certain way they like theirs 
  • An opportunity for blenders to expose their niche offerings to a mainstream audience 

What will happen on National Tea Day?

social media awareness

National tea day exhibition

Partners near you 

  • A social media campaign to get tea drinkers to share their tea story #nationalteaday whether it be their 3 cups before work, a loved one they share a brew with or tasting days they go to we want to hear about it
  • A large tea exhibition in London for blenders to display their niche products to a mainstream audience
  • Unique Blends introduced just for the day so that National Tea Day is a truly unique event 
  • Specialist Tea Houses and Cafe’s will have the opportunity to affiliate themselves to the day to gain exposure to a broader customer base as part of National Tea Day

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